Off the Ice

The season on the ice ended in a flurry of cleaning, gear return, and packing. Before I knew it I was on a plane headed home and after a short 21 hours in the air (and three days) I found myself home. It was an excellent season and with this post the Blog is going to take a short sporadic break. I’ll periodically update findings and will start it up again in full swing come January 20th when I head back into the field.

Until then here are a few photos that I never got a chance to put up although they are some of my favorites:

Here is a photo of a sponge about three feet across on the north side of Hut Point.

In the shallows there can be a shelf with Brincilces and, what I didn’t know until now, a wealth of amphipods living and eating the ice algae that grows underneath the ice. The storm here are the amphipods swarming. It felt much like swimming underneath a giant beehive. Thankfully they don’t sting.

The cracks never stopped amazing me and reminded me of clouds in their infinite shapes and colors.

This is one that I took many weeks ago at Cape Evan’s wall. The sea urchin in the foreground is using some bryozoan as camoflage to avoid being seen.

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